poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

laugardagur, september 23, 2006

Settembre de venti-trei, due mille e sei

I am having a "totaly inspiring" week. I wrote two new poems in one day! I don't think I've ever written more than one in a day before.
I only have one with me so I'll post the other one some other time.

Beautiful you
the picture of youth
sooth my seeking eyes

I watch you
like bright petals
clear frangrance of love and life

But my eyes
they see your youth
it is slipping away from me

I knew it would
yet I didn't realize
the pain of your vanishing

I thought
satisfied I would be
with one short mortal life

In eternity
I will always live
but not wholy, for you are gone

What meaning
true meaning has life
without you here with me?

We walked
in the moonlight
love kept us warm in the dark

Even darkness
seemed as light
to our lovng souls

I whispered
your name was to me
as honey on my lips

I looked
deeply gazed at you
your eyes met mine

I'll never
oh, not will I ever
forget the mirror of those eyes

Now all
you are in everything
why does my life continue?

The wind
it whisperes your name
it echoes my dying heart

And yet
life still pulses thorough me
I will remember, but never love again

miðvikudagur, september 20, 2006

on a happier note...

A way to Happiness

I've found a way to true happiness,
I'd like to share what I've found,
It's written in an old book,
that few care to read or expound

This book has many long pages,
and if you read them with care,
You'll find of what I've been telling,
a gift of great value and rare

No other offer is there ever,
if you searched the world around,
Why it's become uncommon, I can't tell,
but only love and sacrifice is it's ground

A baby was born years ago,
and grew to be a strong man,
Only one purpose on earth did he have,
and that, to fulfull God's great plan

To die a cruel death alone,
to suffer the sins of the world,
But gloriousely rise in three days,
conquering death which Satan had hurled

Beacuse of His loving hand and heart,
which stays judgement on all who believe,
You can have true happiness,
if this gift you will recieve

Eternal life and blessings are yours,
now with your life humbly serve Him,
Your all lay down, give it back for service,
nothing prevaileth this pwer, we win

Persecution and troubles you will face,
but an easy life, who truly has?
Happiness comes in assuredness,
that you in His presence can have

That blessed peace in your soul,
that comforting spirit of rest,
Your life, make it worthy of Him,
give your all, and give Him your best


föstudagur, september 15, 2006

What is it?

Wandering through a dark cave
dost thou know the dangers?
With the darkness presing all aound
the drip of water echoes on cold stone

What is that? a sound,
crying, helpless sounds
Is that someone's voice?
a creature calling for it's precious

On hands a knees through darkness
crawling fowards into the unknown
Stretching foward thy fingers, groping
strange, a cool circular object

Thou hast found a thing of great power
small, you stuff it in your pocket
Unknowingly, ignorant to the world
blissful ignorance, innocence sweet

Lost! in a maze of passages
escaped from creatures of evil
One ray of light there is
but what you see is teryfying

In the dimness of gray rays
dost thou not know this creature?
Misfortune is written on his face
pity etched in his features

Grim features indeed! what sorrow
solemn large eyes acustomed to dark
Dank form, are you really living?
a way out you must find

This creature will help you
the passage he knows, ah too well
his fate is decided, he will stay
yet a while, he yet has more to do

A game of witts, a battle for life
riddles in the dark echo
thrust your hand in your cloak
there lies the answer

Confusion, you have bought your freedom
with anger you were lead to light
The precious is missing, where?
you hold it, what is it?

sunnudagur, september 10, 2006

New and Imrpoved

Hey! How do you like the new set up? I had a hard time picking a new template. I almost went with Scribe. What do you think of that one? It looks more old poemy, I think it would go more with my last title.
I like this one a lot, you know I love polka dots.

Can't wait to see that movie with suround sound. That will be so awesome! Like watching it all over for the first time almost.

I have a couple poems you've never read but I'm just too lazy to write it all out, (the're not yet saved onto a Word doc.). I wrote just one short verse the other night and I think I know it by memory so I'll just post that. I should probably write some extra verses and make a whole poem...

Have you entered into dreamland yet
have you crossed the golden sea?
Has the sun on the horizon set
are you sleeping peacefully?

laugardagur, september 09, 2006

New Life

On a field far away
I stand and wonder
Are you watching
the same moon rise

I sigh to think
we are underneath
The same dark,
but twilit skies

And then a smile
seems to play with me
To taunt me in remembrance
to think of you in happiness

Instead of sorrow, I think
joy can be ours
If we are on the same Earth
surely we aren't truly far

Then I realize my bitter fate
that tommorow my life
Will be gone, wasted
what joy is there in death?

When in years to come
your wandering heart
Stumbles upon a white cross
you won't kneel in peacefulness

Beside my young grave
you will fall in tears
Bitter tears will flow
from eyes that should be clear

You will never see me
on this Earth again
But I'll be waiting in paradise
promise me you will come

The Creator has prepared
a place for you and I
Keep faith, walk right
join me soon, someday

I rest assured
I am not afraid
To go over the enemy line
tommorow where death awaits

A thousand days
will seem as one
A thousand years
as fleeting moments

I can rest and wait
in peace and joy, yes joy
Death does not conquer
out of death comes new Life

föstudagur, september 01, 2006

"The Piper"

I cant believe I dare get on without having written that poem about Ireland. I wrote a differant one though.

I had in inspiration while reading "Rilla" again. I was thinking how awful is was that L.M. Montgomery was saying how touching and famous Walter's poem was, and yet...not a line was mentioned. So, I have taken the liberty to write "The Piper" myself. Montgomer apperantly not given to poem writing left a blank space and I decided to at least try to fill it in. I'm sure I didn't do a good job at all, not as good as Walter's would have been I'm sure. But then, it is very easy to say the poem was great when she didn't write one at all.
So here is my feeble try at filling blanks that have been left such for nearly a hundred years. A risky task.

The Piper has piped
his doleful song
He pranced through the valley
beckoning us along

The music of our duty called
so to erase pain and cruelty
Men not heroes obey fate
from a dark world again bring beauty

Many have fallen
and more will die
The Pipers death call rings
we have risen to accept the cry

It could have been longer, but a stipulation was given and I could not break it, "as an epitome of all the pain and hope and pity and purpose of the mighty confilct, crystalized in three inmortal verses."

I'm afraid it doesn't fit those qualifications, but I don't think L.M.M. knew how hard it is to do all that in three verses.

Anyhow, you told me, Grym to write a poem about war, so here it is.