poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

miðvikudagur, september 20, 2006

on a happier note...

A way to Happiness

I've found a way to true happiness,
I'd like to share what I've found,
It's written in an old book,
that few care to read or expound

This book has many long pages,
and if you read them with care,
You'll find of what I've been telling,
a gift of great value and rare

No other offer is there ever,
if you searched the world around,
Why it's become uncommon, I can't tell,
but only love and sacrifice is it's ground

A baby was born years ago,
and grew to be a strong man,
Only one purpose on earth did he have,
and that, to fulfull God's great plan

To die a cruel death alone,
to suffer the sins of the world,
But gloriousely rise in three days,
conquering death which Satan had hurled

Beacuse of His loving hand and heart,
which stays judgement on all who believe,
You can have true happiness,
if this gift you will recieve

Eternal life and blessings are yours,
now with your life humbly serve Him,
Your all lay down, give it back for service,
nothing prevaileth this pwer, we win

Persecution and troubles you will face,
but an easy life, who truly has?
Happiness comes in assuredness,
that you in His presence can have

That blessed peace in your soul,
that comforting spirit of rest,
Your life, make it worthy of Him,
give your all, and give Him your best


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