Happy Day!!!!!
I just wrote a poem. Not sure how it got started. I sat down in front of a blank piece of paper to start with, (that usualy helps) and voila!
Well here it is. Not sure what to call it yet. Any Ideas are welcome.
Limp and tired
I came to you
From your hand I aquired
a place of love anew
Where the dried blossoms fall
new ones will spring forth
Sweeter they can be, than all
Love always returns, a compass points North
Without fail spring will come
and hope and peace can be,
The heart beats on as a drum
the soul lives on eternally
I hope that in your loving arms
I find the rest I seek,
Hoping only now are false alarms
your spirit calms as one who's meek
So warm and tender was my welcome
I thought it all a dream,
for it thawed my heart so numb
Things aren't always as they seem
The last I loved was strong,
handsome, tall and brave
But I loved all awrong
when he turned to his grave
I hope your blossoms last
that for a season they will stay,
Untill I forgive and forget my past
untill my eyes turn dim with the light of day
poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.
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Wow. =) I love it. =)
Wow! I am so proud of myself.
Have any idea's for a title?
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