poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

föstudagur, júlí 21, 2006

July 21st 2006

My creative juices are gone. It is the most horrible thing. I haven't had any inspirations to write poems since I lost A Noble confession. And I know that when I try too hard they don't come out as good as usual.
Pray I'll think of something to write soon. I fell very sad about it.

I think I have another poem that you haven't seen, not sure. I'm gone have to check.

2 ummæli:

thefreak sagði...

Hey ya Charissa...I have a thought here. Why don't you think of something/someone you love very much and write about him/her? Or you could just try writing something silly...that's always a good exercise.

I am going to post to my blog today. Comment on it. =P hehe

Chrysler sagði...

Hey woah, Grym. You used my real name! You're not supposed to do that!
I have done that, actually don't even try to think of who it might be but Ocularis was kinda' written that way. Maybe I'll try again.

Something silly? I don't think I can do that. I once tried to write a silly one about math and I only got two lines.

O.K. but I can't get on your blog. I just tried and it said the adress could not be found.Gonna' try again in a minute.