poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

þriðjudagur, janúar 23, 2007

The sound of crying
greets my ears
Why? I do not know
there is sorrow in the land

Why must this earth tremble,
why do sorrow overcome it?
Is there no path to peace,
no road to Heaven?

The world groans,
in pity we mourn over it
Is it our fault?
it is Satan's greed has caused it

He lusted for power
gain it he did
But decieved is he who thinks,
"I will be like the Most High"

His power is short,
his reign is limited
He will die,
cast out, punished for life

The in a perfect world,
we will walk the earth
Free and happy,
all pain will be gone

This one still has no title, just can't think of anything.

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