poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

miðvikudagur, janúar 03, 2007

The Night will End

Blackness, shadow
Dark clouds blot out the light

Dimness, gray vapor
The hopeful grow weary

Tears, suffering
Many have fallen

Pain, sadness
More will die

Grim fear, dim hope
The weary begin to fear

Fear, anguish
Do not succumb, there is hope

Light, peace
The dimness fades

Strength, hope
The patient are renewed

The sun, valor
These showed courage

Faint not, keep on
The cloud passes over

Wind, strength
It lilts past, breathing

Mercy, hope revealed
The darkness has faded

Look! The East
The skies brighten

Hope, peace
Once more has come

Weary ones, rest now
The night is over

Inspired from something Sam said at the end of The Two Towers. He is so awesome and said some very profound things. I wish I could remember the exact quote. It was really beautiful.

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