poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

miðvikudagur, október 04, 2006

Productive Vacation

I can't beleive how lame I'm getting. That 's the most awful post title.
Actually, it really should be productive road trip. I wrote four poems in the car on the way down to Miami last Thursday. Four!
Two were inspired by the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the ring, which we were watching. I didn't use any of the names so it really could be anything, but that is what made me think of it. It was dark so I was writting by the light the TV gave off which was not that easy.
The first I called Lady of Light for when Arwin comes to Frodo when he had been stabed on Weathertop, she was dressed in white and was glowing and was a light to him. Then as we were watching the movie I realized I had made a mistake. I'm watching and the Fellowship reaches the heart of Lothlorien, there stands Glorfindel and announces: "Home of Lord Celeborn and Galadriel, Lady of Light." Oops. It was too late anyhow, there was no way to change it and if you read it and know anything about the Lord of the Rings you'll be able to tell it is talking about Arwin and not Galadriel.
I was reading my name book the other day and you know that name (Arwin) is in there under the boys names. It is actually the name Arvin, but one of the alternate spellings is with a "w" since "w"'s are pronounced like a "v"in German. It means "people's friend".

Lady of Light

Pericing the darness
like a white sword

O, Lady of Light
bringing peace with you

Bright rays of light
seperate the evil from us

Who can create darkness?
but light thou hast made

Out of inmost self
you are in the beams

Part of them you have become
in them & of them you are

Lady of Light, and bright hope
hope dawns in the west

But as a star art thou
a glimmer in the dark East

Do not fade, oh snine
ever light up the world

But you have pledged
your life is now bound

Wandering among the lonely
you lay yourself down

Unable to go on
you fade, forgotten

Asleep, peacefully
flowers grow over you

The light has gone out
the star has faded

Gray peace now lies
over a cold, hard land

Rest is there for few
but for you all is dead

I know what you're thinking. Chrysler doesn't even know where the sun sets and rises. Its not talking about that. The West, means the western world and the same with the East. Remember the dream Boromir had? That's where that comes from.
I really don't have time to write the other's down right now. Even if I didn't write a single poem for another, like three weeks, I would have enough to post for the next month.

2 ummæli:

thefreak sagði...

Hey...I like it. =) Well-written. Keep up the road trips! hehe

Chrysler sagði...

Thanks. You see? This one is not mushy.

I hardly think we'll go on a nother one this year.