poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

miðvikudagur, október 25, 2006

Dreamland continued

The rest of the story.


Have you entered into dreamland yet
have you crossed the golden sea?
Has the sun on the horizon set
are you sleeping peacefully?

Has the moon in her splendour rose
Is she shining large and bright?
Are you watching as her golden birth
Glows throughout the night?

Now as the sun is rising once more
Is your head alseep, at rest?
Or did you wake the whole night through
Was starlight your midnight guest?

I thought I heard a fiant sound
But I guess I might be wrong
Indeed the stars did shine upon
Your room the whole night long

The sun now wakes you
The world is now aglow
So raise your sleepy tired head
You rested now I know

Did you dream the whole night through
Were they peaceful thoughts?
Was your sleep comforted
Or was comfort what you sought?

I hope the night was not afraid
And hope the sky though dark
Kept you warm underneath
Its blanket made of stars

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