poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

föstudagur, júlí 21, 2006

July 21st 2006

My creative juices are gone. It is the most horrible thing. I haven't had any inspirations to write poems since I lost A Noble confession. And I know that when I try too hard they don't come out as good as usual.
Pray I'll think of something to write soon. I fell very sad about it.

I think I have another poem that you haven't seen, not sure. I'm gone have to check.

mánudagur, júlí 17, 2006

July 17th 2006

I haven't written any new poems lately. Still need to think about that war one.
I found though that if I plan on writing one about a certain subject it ussually isn't as good as my spontaneous ones.
I just remembered a poem that I wrote and never transfered to the comp. It is kinda' strange and I don't really like it but I'll post it as soon as I get it onto a Word document.
Did some writting yesterday. Wrote the prologue to my book. I thought of something I needed to add though. Only a few sentences, shouldn't take long.
Well, here is a poem.

Watery Grave

I’m sinking, I’m sinking
Please save me,
I’m drowning in this dreadful sea

I’m dying, I’m dying
Please help me,
Before the dark waves wash o’er me

I look up, but can’t see the sun,
I kick my legs to swim, I try to run,
I gasp for air, but gulp water

Will no one help me out of this place?
I’m going further underneath
I must see a rescuers face

My watery grave is full of tears,
No one rescued me, I died alone
My death was mourned for many years

No one heard my cries for help,
My life was washed away by the sea
I cried, I screamed, I even yelled

But no one came to save my life,
I watched the billows wash o’er me
No one cared of my strife

I said a prayer, a thanks to God,
That Jesus paid the price
That You would love me, how odd

But because of Your sacrifice
And because you loved me so,
You sent Messiah, Savior and Christ
To die in my place
No fear had I of death,
I was saved by your grace.

fimmtudagur, júlí 13, 2006

July 13th 2006

Wow. I can't beleive it's the 13th already. At least it's not Friday. lol .
Thought I would post a not so mushy poem this time.
Maybe it has a sense of that, slightly. What do you think?

Cold and Grey
A steely blue
Your eyes betray
Not one clue

Like cold fire
Hard and emotionless
Pale and white
Sharp as a cutlass

But oh so warm
When love comes in
Bright with light
A kindly sheen

Eyes are such
As none alike
They can love
And hate and bite

With one look
You broke my heart
But time did heel
What fell apart

I hope that now
That look so grey
Has come near
From far away

To say a word
In kindness to
One who really
Does care for you

Your eyes still cold
But come alive
A steely blue
But no more as knives

That once cut deep
The wound’s still there
Please tell me
That you care


sunnudagur, júlí 09, 2006

July 9th 2006

I never found it. A Noble Confesion is lost forever :( It was one of my favorites too. I am still praying that maybe it will show up eventually, but in all likeliness Krysta or mom threw it out.
I should have gotten dressed that night and gone out to the car to make sure it didn't get lost, so I can't say I forgot. I remembered the night that the rest of that family was leaving that it was there and that it would probably get moved but I was already undressed and in bed. I was hoping that maybe they wouldn't move it, but they did and the papers that poem were written on were just loose.
Oh, well. I'm going to post a poem that I don't think you have read. I actually wrote the words as a song to go with the melody to a piece by Debussy. It isn't really singable though, cause the range is too big, then I found out that it soudned pretty nice as a free form poem.

My love is all that I want

My love is all that I want, all I need, my life, my love.
My strength’s only when my love’s near.

I fly like a dove on the wings of the morning,
My love is far so I fly.

Over hill over vale I fly on,
Till I reach my love’s arms.

And I know I am secure,
My fate is not lost.

I reach that golden place in time.

Oh my loves not there,
I can not find him.

But I know if I keep on,
I’ll find the one who haunts my song.

I’ll sing till my thoughts are so tender and sweet,
That I know when we meet,

Out love will bring us together
And our love will see us through the trials come.

My love is I all
That I ever will need,

Just to be with my love
I can breath.

And I know I’ll always be with my love
And he will fulfill my every need.

Charissa Gil

fimmtudagur, júlí 06, 2006

July 6 2006

I was going to post a poem that I wrote the day before leaving to Miami, but it's lost. I'm going to look high and low today, and if I don't find it, I will be sorely upset.
It was called "A Noble Confesion".

Hope to be posting it soon.