Innocent and blind
Captured in a trance
Memory is still the best
Waiting for a return of hope
Father's angel, that is you
Not the one you think
He is not as he seems
He is darkness itself
Seduced by you
He is enthralled by your beauty
Trying your hand in his own
Feeling a touch he has never known
October 1st 2007
8 ummæli:
That poor girl was either grossly naive or just plain stupid.
Defiantly naive... only blonds are stupid.
Maybe she had "artificial intelligence." lol Nah...she looked like a real brunette.
I take it you watched "Phantom of the Opera?"
yes...have you?
hey can you give me your blog addresses? I lost them =(
how did you get on here to say you lost the addresses?
the links from this one to the others are at the top left hand corner under the pic of the reluctant dragon...thanks for your addresses...I go look at new blogs.
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