poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

miðvikudagur, febrúar 14, 2007

No one else will do...but you

Hey, I know its mushy...but it is Valentines Day.

Following after shadows
gathering up my dreams
I realize no one will do,
But you

An evening...after midnight
gazing at the stars
I know that your the only one
That can fill my heart

This empty hole inside me
Only you can fill
Make it whole again...
As only you can

No one else in my mind
no one in my heart
Of all the people on the earth
Only you will do

No one else but you
to walk by my side
to travel a lifelong road
with me

If you never come
I'll be left alone
Because no one else but you...
will do

Another spontaneous inspiration from the mind of Chrysler the Great.

2 ummæli:

thefreak sagði...

I like =) Even though it is mushy... hehehe

Chrysler sagði...

Yousa like it? Wow! lol