poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

föstudagur, júní 30, 2006

July 2nd 2006

Here is one I wrote a couple days ago. I haven't found the time to post it yet. I don't know just how much I like it but it certianly isn't one of those that I absolutey love it when I get finished with it. It was rather random, I had just finished reading a book (A gown of Spanish Lace.) and I thought up the first stanza totaly out of nowhere, then I got up and wrote the rest.

Sin's Stench

A strange aroma filled the air
as of something going stale
My face though flushed when I entered
was now going very pale

I know not why but fear I felt
a dread that closed up my throat
So tight that I could not breath
and upon my fear I began to dote

That awful stench was lesser now
for so strong it was I had pain
But after time it will all fade
that horrid reek, that hideous stain

From conscience it will go away
the prick I used to fell will fade
The smell that made me writh in disgust
will no more affect me when it's made

So like sin is this at first so strong
when our souls begin to dull
Only God's strong power can reveal the wrong
then repent oh sinner or death will win

The first one seems so hard to do
but after many times caloused we become
The only one who can clean our guilt
is Christ who died for us alone

To help us out of our miery pitt
out of our own demise
Of sin and death and grimmy gritt
to conquer and have a victory

C.A.G. June 30th 2006

2 ummæli:

thefreak sagði...

Kinda cool poem...

By the way, I was calling you compliant. "We" is me. In the plural form. hehe

Chrysler sagði...

oh, compliant. It looked like complaint, dexlexsia kicks in again.