poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

miðvikudagur, maí 16, 2007

Forever Untold

Even though there aren't any comments on the last 2 posts *ahem* I thought it was about time to put a new one on here.

Hiding in a dark,
stormy place

With lightning
bursting all 'round me

Waiting here
for what? Surety

Looking for myself
looking for my life in yours

It is hard to see
clouded by many thoughts

Doubts of your concern
of my care; Is it real?

I am tortured
with many thoughts

Why can't we
just be honest

No, it can't be
I will hold on

Possibly die
waiting for you

My story,
Forever untold


föstudagur, maí 04, 2007

There's no Sunset in Virginia

This guy did a much better job than I did.
It's a really pretty song...you should go on you tube sometime and watch the video.

The Tv, replaying like a broken record
The image, its numbing, another record broken

More question, no answers, left to imagination
Alarming, disturbing, what are the implications?
All Alone, and all at once, we ask why they had to die

There's no sunset in Virgnia
the Earth is standing still
The mighty may have fallen
The pain never will
Thers's no sunset in Virgnia
You see it in our eyes.
But if there is no nightfall
The sun will never rise

The candles are burning, blocking out the darkness
By thousands they flicker, light and sorromw linger
The silence is deafening, reliving consternation
Reminder, that violence cut short their aspirations
Now as one, we take a vow: Protect the light for better days to come

There's no sunset in Virgnia
the Earth is standing still
The innocent have fallen
Our pain never will
Thers's no sunset in Virgnia
The vigil keeps the light.
We all need the nightfall
Or the sun will never rise

All at once we look up to the sky and remember all the ones we left behind.
As the sun begins to set the sunrise sets us free

Let the sunset in Virginia
So the earth begins to move
The victims we remember
As the pain will keep it tue
Let the sunset in Virginia
So the healing can begin.
I survuved this nightfall
So the sun will rise again.

by: Evan Mack