Punk Poetry

poor little upside-down cake...your bottom's on your top.

miðvikudagur, júlí 13, 2011


Surrender to the sound
The silence that speaks so loud
When I'm alone all the voices shout
The sounds of crowds drown them out

Why do they seem so far away?
Why do they insist on speaking?
Even if I run forever and so far
I can't escape the way they are

For they are a part of me
They belong to who I am
They can't be lost or fought
Who are they? They are my thoughts

mánudagur, janúar 24, 2011

Glorious Ruin

Alistair Begg came to convo at LU last Friday. Something he said has stuck in my mind. I have been unable to get the thought out of my mind. The beauty of the idea it strikes in my head. I wrote this while thinking about it:

Created in perfection

Glorious image of the Devine

Fallen disaster

Made to live eternity

Designed to perish, to need a Savior

Broken and dismantled

Devoid of the Origin

Remnant of the forgotten

Remember what you were


Realize what you are

A ruin

January 24, 2011

Charissa Gil

miðvikudagur, september 15, 2010

Piece for LAMP

LU has a magazine that publishes poetry, photography, essays and short novels that are submitted by former or current LU faculty, staff and students. So naturally I thought I would submit some poetry and photography. But I would like some help.

Please just write a comment here or e-mail me at cagil@liberty.edu to tell me what are a couple of your favorite poems. It will be so hard to decided what to submit and your opinion would help tremendously.

Thank you so much!


miðvikudagur, maí 26, 2010

A brighter light

'Tis a blessing in disguise
this robbery of life from the young

We see it and cry
yet, it is the essence of longing

The fountain of youth,
it has been truly discovered in this

How many grew old searching?
their life disproving their search

There are those who will be forever young
those who never grew old on this earth

The fountain of youth
it is the cup of death

Do not shudder
it is nothing you can seek and find

It lies only in Divine will
And he appoints to whom He desires

Those around us who have this mandate
to be in our minds forever young

They seem to live more than others
their flame never dims

The flickering of a weak flame
it is never their fate

It is bright! Shining for a time
and then snuffed in an instant

But while it burns
There is a brighter light among us

These lives are truly lived
truly given as a gift

Let us treasure and remember
the forever young

They stay, unchanging in time
like a song repeating but never growing dull

A brighter light! A richer life!
A sweeter tune that never grows old

Time cannot change their face
death has conquered age

Live on, oh young!
Forever in our hearts as so.

fimmtudagur, febrúar 04, 2010

From A long time ago...at least it feels like a long time

I'm bored...lets see if my mind can spontaneously come up with something worth saving.

What to do? Oh, what to do!
The mac lab in use seems like a lame excuse

Homework is due and there's a chance of snow
Class may be canceled but I still don't know

My brain is like a calm sea
Nothing on the surface, but everything beneath

Can I sink and stir up the thoughts that lie at the bottom?
Can I pull them up and find a word to rhyme?

No, I guess not! This is getting worse by the minute,
Its horrid but I just can't get myself to stop!

Only half the lines even rhyme!
Its sad to say that I have all this time

And nothing to do, nobody to talk to
Nothing to read and no one on fb

I will quit here before I make things worse,
The content of this poem really seems quite perverse

To make anybody waste their time with reading this,
just has to be a sin

The end in sight, time almost spent,
I guess, I hope that I win!

OK WOW! So I am so tempted to ditch this trash...but something in me won't allow it. Guess I'll laugh about it later.

...later (4-17-2010) Really, looking at this now its not that bad...kinda funny and so I'm going to post it. :)

þriðjudagur, desember 15, 2009

"for you"

A poem I jotted down the other day. I folded the paper and it has been in my back jeans pocket for like 2 weeks. I figured it was about time to post it.

Hands clasp,
I look up

Kind eyes,
pleasant smile

We talk,
as though old friends

The formality of handshake,
passes, fades

A warm embrace,
takes it's place

How sweet!
A new friendship

New, yet mature
from many words exchanged

A word, a touch,
a look, a smile

I wait for our next meeting...

December 1st, 2009

mánudagur, september 01, 2008


I just found this one while reading through my journal.

Like a fading flower
life excuses itself
from our presence
Never to return

Oh! Short Life!
So fleeting, yet so fragrant
So gentle, yet so strong
reflecting on the pool
of the world; Life,